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Lunch Walk 1

Published to Blog on 22 Oct 2007

Saturday while having lunch at Day of .NET - Ann Arbor, Michael Eaton mentioned that he liked to take an hour and sit and watch TV or play a bit of WOW or something during lunch beside sit in front of his computer. I thought that was a good idea and yesterday I decided that I would start taking a walk around the neighborhood at lunch time. Today I took Tucker with me and we snapped a few shots. I don’t know that the picture-taking will be a regular occurrence, but I hope to keep it up.

Tucker joined me today

Fall has definitely reached our little town

_Our buddy, Jeff, supervising someone else’s yard work, as usual! _

Dan Hounshell
Web geek, nerd, amateur maker. Likes: apis, node, motorcycles, sports, chickens, watches, food, Nashville, Savannah, Cincinnati and family.
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  • On 22 Oct 2007 "Ken Robertson"" said:
    I always get away from the computer at lunch. I normally watch something off my DVR (without commercials, about 40-45 mins) and then I take a quick power nap before heading back to the computer. Now with the baby, schedule is a little off... usually interrupted with a dirty diaper or needing to burp the baby. )
  • On 22 Oct 2007 """ said:
    Why have I not discovered this wonderful thing called a lunch break until now?!?!? I've worked from home five of the last 6 years and I tend to not take a break at all during the day unless I have to run to the store or do some other errands. Lunch usually involved a quick bite in front of the computer. I feel a rebirth coming! Well, okay, it's not necessarily that dramatic, but I do feel a little more refreshed this afternoon and I was able to go longer before feeling burned out. I can't wait to see how this experiment goes the rest of the week.
  • On 22 Oct 2007 "Jose Lema"" said:
    Funny you should mention this... Today, after seven straight days of work (due to the CSDC), I had set my IM to "Out to Lunch" but found myself still eating a quick bite in front of the computer while answering email. Sometimes I grab a bite with the wife or a local buddy, but I think I'll join the experiment and try to make it a bit more regular.
  • On 23 Oct 2007 "Michael Eaton"" said:
    Glad I could help motivate you to get out from behind the computer. -) I should get off my ass and walk (or workout in some way) during lunch too instead of watching TV. Working from home definitely has its perks, but since I moved out of my basement office, I find myself behind the computer even more, and that's a bad thing. Like Jose...every now and then I'll grab lunch with a friend just to get out of the house.
  • On 23 Oct 2007 "Terri Morton"" said:
    I feel a song coming on... "You're the inspiration." I've been wanting to strike more balance in my interconnected work/home life and taking a real lunch break sounds like a good step. Now, if only we didn't have a daily standing call at 100 PM. -)