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"Shaun of the Dead" is destined to be a classic!

Published to Blog on 4 Oct 2004

My wife and I spent some very precious “alone” time without kids this past weekend by seeing Shaun of the Dead.  I wholeheartedly recommend the movie and proclaim it an instant classic.  As soon as it is released on DVD it will take its rightful place beside Office Space on my movie shelf.  I don’t buy a lot of movies, maybe a half dozen a year (most of them being kid’s movies), but this will be one of them.  It is hilarious and refreshingly different.  I love seeing something with a different perspective or a new spin and this movie definitely falls into that class.  While I like a summer action blockbuster as much as the next guy, I tend to really like movies that aren’t the same old rehash of last year’s hits (uh… Shark Tale).  The average movie-goer (my wife) doesn’t care too much for movies that I feel strongly about, the last one before this being Donnie Darko (my wife hates that movie), but I think Shaun of the Dead is one movie that can interest all audiences - probably because of its humor.  Everyone loves funny! 

So, if you haven’t seen it - do so.

Dan Hounshell
Web geek, nerd, amateur maker. Likes: apis, node, motorcycles, sports, chickens, watches, food, Nashville, Savannah, Cincinnati and family.
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  • On 30 Oct 2004 "phillwv"" said:
    This was previewed on TV by film critics and I missed the name. From what I saw, it was an instant 'must see'. Glad you mentioned it here, Dan. You led me straight to something I was after. And, yep, typical pommy low-key funny stuff!