4 posts tagged as "chalk"

Customizing Graffiti The Amazon aStore Chalk Extension

Customizing Graffiti The Amazon aStore Chalk Extension

In my last post, Customizing Graffiti: Chalk GetQuerystringValue , I promised that I was brewing up a really good Graffiti example/tip that would combine a lot of the customizations that I’ve written about recently. Are you ready for this? This one…

Customizing Graffiti Chalk GetQuerystringValue

My last Customizing Graffiti post was a simple little thing. This one is just as simple - the GetQuerystringValue Chalk extension. I had a need for pulling a value from the querystring recently and using it my view markup. I was sure that something…

Customizing Graffiti Chalk GetAppSetting

Continued Graffiti goodness. Here is another Graffiti customization - the GetAppSetting Chalk extension. I recently put this one together so I haven’t grown to love it as much as the RedirectIfSinglePost extension, but it is very handy to have…

Customizing Graffiti Chalk RedirectIfSinglePost

In my last post I promised a wealth of Graffiti posts would soon be flowing from my finger tips. Here is my first and probably my favorite Graffiti customization - the RedirectIfSinglePost Chalk extension. I have used this on every Graffiti site I’ve…