3 posts tagged as "linq"

Where list x has an item in it like y

A list of movies walks into a bar… forget it, that’s not going to work. There once was a list of movies named Gurty Blanchez… hmm, that’s not going to work either. This is another one of those “posting it more for me than you” posts. Whoever is…

LINQ to SQL - How to Where in (value1,value2, ... valueN)

According to FeedBurner the count of my blog subscribers has been steadily decreasing the last couple of weeks. I can’t blame those quitters because my posts have been few and far between. But for those of you beautiful and intelligent people with…

Things I learned this weekend

Wield Chkdsk sparingly Do not set large hard drives (and especially not two large hard drives) to run an error check (chkdsk) on next reboot if: your PC only supports USB keyboards and your PC’s bios does not support “Legacy USB settings” and you’ve…