10 posts tagged as "node"

The referenced entity insert was modified during ddl execution

I ran into an issue recently when trying to create triggers for a table on a SQL Server database using node and the tedious library. I was using a promise to generate and execute the DDL to create each trigger and using Promise.all() to wait until…

Gatsby: Paging Tags and Posts in Categories, Part 3

Gatsby: Paging Tags and Posts in Categories, Part 3

This is the third post of three explaining how I implemented paged posts and tags by category on this Gatsby site using gatsby-pagination . In Part 1 I showed most of the structure of gatsby-node.js and how to create pages using Gatsby’s…

Gatsby: Paging Tags and Posts in Categories, Part 2

Gatsby: Paging Tags and Posts in Categories, Part 2

This is the second post explaining how I implemented paged posts and tags by category on this Gatsby site using gatsby-pagination . In Part 1 I showed most of the structure of gatsby-node.js and how to create pages using Gatsby’s createPage…

Gatsby: Paging Tags and Posts in Categories, Part 1

Gatsby: Paging Tags and Posts in Categories, Part 1

This is the part 1 of a couple of posts explaining how I page tags and posts by category on this Gatsby site using gatsby-pagination . My previous blog(s) was a bit unique in that it had the concept of categories (like /blog, /some-other-blog…

Gatsby Filtering nodes by id contained in array of ids

Gatsby Filtering nodes by id contained in array of ids

Most, if not all, of the examples for Gatsby templates show using a graphQL query that retrieves the post/posts by slugs. I did things a little differently because my post slugs may not be unique across all categories (I could have /blog/hello-world…

Tips for Gatsby ElasticLunr Search plugin

Tips for Gatsby ElasticLunr Search plugin

You may not be able to index everything Wanting to add search to my blog I set about installing and configuring the gatsby-plugin-elasticlunr-search plugin. I followed the examples. I set it to index the fields of title and tags. And being a little…

Hello Gatsby

Hello Gatsby

The first post on this site was written on July 27th, 2004. Wow, nearly 14 years ago. I believe it was written on  Scott Watermasysk’s .Text platform, at least that is the first blogging platform I remember running for real. I eventually followed…

Node to Microsoft SharePoint / Project Online via Edge.js

Node to Microsoft SharePoint / Project Online via Edge.js

At LeanKit we’re always creating new integrations with other software and sites. Most of them involve reading from a 3rd party application’s web service API (Microsoft’s TFS via VisualStudio.com, JIRA, GitHub issues and more), performing some type…

Python version 3.x.x is not supported by node-gyp error

Problem: You try to npm install a node package on Windows and get an error similar to: Python version 3.x.x is not supported by node-gyp Issue: You have Python 3.x installed and node-gyp needs version 2.7. You may already have 2.7 installed but your…

Default value must be string or number error when running npm adduser

Problem: You try to run npm adduser command and get an error message that starts with something like “Default value must be string or number”. Cause: It is attempting to access your default email address which you do not have set. Fix: npm config set…