6 posts tagged as "seo"

Question about URLs from SEO presentation at WMDODN

During my Search Engine Optimization for ASP.NET Developers presentation at the Western Michigan Day of .NET a young man asked me a question about formatting URLs. Though we were running short on time I tried to answer as many questions as I…

Rob Howard's SEO for ASP.NET Developers

I found out last week that my boss, Rob Howard, presented “Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for ASP.NET Developers” at DevConnections just a few days after I had done my first presentation of “SEO for ASP.NET Developers” at Central Ohio Day of…

SEO for ASP.NET Developers Slides

The link below is to my PowerPoint slide deck for my “SEO for ASP.NET Developers” presentation that I’ve already given at Central Ohio Day of .NET and Indianapolis Code Camp. I will be giving the same presentation at both the Western Michigan Day of…

Maximum Length for Meta Description and Page Title

I was asked a couple of questions during my SEO for ASP.NET Developers presentation that I didn’t have an answer for at the time. Q. What is the maximum length for the Meta Description field for a web page? A. I’ve read in several places over the…

The customer is not always right

Or a better title may be “Sometimes the customer really doesn’t know what he/she wants”. I was looking through some old project files over the weekend, looking for some code examples. I came across an ecommerce project that Chad and I had finished…

Google's Matt Cutts' SEO Tip Videos

I promise that this isn’t turning into an SEO blog, but I mentioned before that I have some SEO interest, as we all should. Matt Cutts , Google’s SEO insider, put together several nice videos this week where he answers email questions and provides…