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Day of .NET Swag

Published to Blog on 14 May 2006

I agree, Day of .NET Rocked! It was definitely worth the 3-1/2 hour drive each way and the overnight stay in a hotel.  John, Josh, and Jason put on a great event and Mark Miller is a fantastic speaker.  I will post my notes for each of the sessions that I attended a bit later, but for now I’ll follow up on Jim’s reference to $40,000 worth of swag:

This is what one person’s share of that swag looks like:

Yes, for all those who didn’t attend: that’s 3 t-shirts (Data Dynamics, Developer Express, and Day of .NET), a copy of FarPoint Spread, a copy of Building Intelligent .NET Applications, at least half a dozen nice pens courtesy of Dundas and TechSmith, pocket mints courtesy of TechSmith, 3 cd’s of trialware and resources and numerous fliers, bookmarks, trinkets, etc.

Seriously, I think I walked away with more stuff from Day of .NET than I got for Christmas from my entire family last year.

Dan Hounshell
Web geek, nerd, amateur maker. Likes: apis, node, motorcycles, sports, chickens, watches, food, Nashville, Savannah, Cincinnati and family.
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  • On 14 May 2006 "Jason Follas"" said:
    I'm glad you made the trip! We had a good turnout, but probably only 70% of the total number of people who registered actually showed up at the event (so there was a considerable amount of leftover food and drink, but I think I'd rather have too much than too little). We had an awesome group of sponsors that really made the event possible. It was fun seeing just how fast we could raffle off $40,000 worth of books and software licenses (turns out, it's like 20 minutes). Next year's event will certainly be better now that we have this one behind us (anticipate even more sponsors and hopefully a few additional national-level speakers). Hope to see you there!
  • On 15 May 2006 "diggerdanh"" said:
    Jason, thanks for stopping by. It was a fantastic event - I had a blast. BTW, I enjoyed your SQLCLR presentation - it was a nice intro into something I've been meaning to poke around with for a while.