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More TFF Ratio Updates

Published to Blog on 7 Mar 2008

A few days ago I blogged about adding some cool updates to the TFF Ratio site that included adding a ReTweeter that would reply with your TFF Ratio stats if you used @tffratio in a tweet.

I got some comments from friends and colleagues (@jfollas and @averyj) that the process should be a bit easier and that I should be able to use the Twitter replies API call to make it easier. Of course they were right and after spending about 2 minutes looking at the Twitter API I was able to make some updates to make it so.

Now to get a TFF Ratio ReTweet all you need to do is make a tweet with @tffratio (case is not important) as the first word. This will be seen as a reply and TFFRatio will pick it up and respond to you.

Dan Hounshell
Web geek, nerd, amateur maker. Likes: apis, node, motorcycles, sports, chickens, watches, food, Nashville, Savannah, Cincinnati and family.
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