This is the third post of three explaining how I implemented paged posts and tags by category on this Gatsby site using gatsby-pagination. In Part 1 I showed most of the structure of gatsby-node.js and how to create pages using Gatsby’s createPage action creator and gatsby-pagination’s createPaginationPages function. In Part 2 I showed the category and tag templates.
The only thing remaining is the component(s) used to render the paging functionality. Nothing ground-breaking here but for completeness sake I thought I would share it.
class Pagination extends React.Component {
render() {
const defaults = {
page: 0,
pages: 0,
prev: 0,
next: 0,
total: 0,
prevText: '<< Previous',
nextText: 'Next >>'
const myProps = _.merge({}, defaults, this.props);
if (myProps.pages > 1) {
return (
<nav className="pagination">
<div className="pagination__content">
<span className="pagination__pagenumber">
Page { } of { myProps.pages }
return null;
export default Pagination;
class PaginationLink extends React.Component {
render() {
if (this.props.url) {
let className = 'nav-link';
if (this.props.className) {
className = `${className} ${this.props.className}`;
// clone this.props and then delete Component specific props
// so we can spread the rest into the Link
const { url, text, } = this.props;
delete rest.className;
delete rest.text;
delete rest.url;
return (
<GatsbyLink to={url} {} className={className}>
{ text }
return null;
export default PaginationLink;
Hopefully you found this series of posts helpful if you decide to take on paging posts, pages or tags in Gatsby. If you have any questions give me a shout on Twitter (@danhounshell) or use the Disqus comments below.