I found out last week that my boss, Rob Howard, presented “Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for ASP.NET Developers” at DevConnections just a few days after I had done my first presentation of “SEO for ASP.NET Developers” at Central Ohio Day of .NET. The two of us doing a presentation on the same topic, at the same time, with the same title is actually pure coincidence. However, after looking through Rob’s slide deck and talking with him a little I found that our two presentations actually work well together. I’d consider my presentation the 100 level Intro to SEO for ASP.NET Developers and his presentation and demo more of a deep dive.
Using his presentation as a starting point Rob has recently started a series of blog posts about SEO for us developers. Here are links to the first three awesome articles:
In those three posts Rob addresses some points that make in my SEO presentation in much greater detail, using URL Rewriting in order to get important keywords in the Url, warnings about content duplication, the important differences between 301 and 302 redirects. Make sure you check out Rob’s series of SEO & ASP.NET posts.