Recently several Telligenti have publicly, though maybe not officially, discussed side projects that they are working on/have worked on. I wanted to take a minute to point out a few of the ones that I know of just to make the point that not only are the Telligenti smart, talented folks, but they’re good .NET community contributors and citizens. Some of the following projects are open source community-based projects, some are personal pet projects and some might even be Telligent skunkworks projects - I’ll leave it to the authors/readers to define.
I’m not here to beat a dead horse, if you read this blog at all you know about my WhatIWantMost project.
Kyle Beyer announced on Monday that his AJAX Login project has been added as a Google Code project.
Ken Robertson introduced his pet project,, on Monday as well. This looks very interesting and is already gathering collaboration requests. It will also work nicely with another pet project Ken is putting together.
Jason Alexander fessed up yesterday about his Open Source C# OpenId Client and Server project that is also hosted on Google Code. Scott Watermasysk and Scott Hanselman are also contributors to the project.
Speaking of Scott Water, I know of at least a half-dozen things that Scott is secretly working on, but one that he has publicly commented on - at least somewhat - is Monroe, “An Experiment in Blogging”.
Eric J. Smith and Terry Denham both contribute to the .netTiers project.
And we all have day jobs, too.
Those are just the projects that I’ve learned/read about in the last week! If I have missed anyone’s pet or open source project then please leave a comment or otherwise let me know and I will include it.