Now that you have Windows Developer Power Tools I bet you’re wondering what the heck you’re going to do with the thing!

Never fear, faithful companion - I have answers for all your questions!
- Read it. It’s a damn good book. You might even learn a thing or two.
- If you’re vertically challenged you can use it as a booster seat in the car to enable you to see over the steering wheel, Grandma! At over 6 inches thick it is a great big book (I use a graduated scale - 6 inches for me means 3 inches for most people).
- If you’re horizontally challenged I have nothing for you. Perhaps reading the book will provide more brain power, giving you more self confidence to improve your performance in those areas.
- Keep it around for security purposes - use it as a weapon. The thing weighs about 20 pounds. You could probably use it to mug somebody to get your $40.00 back.
- Loan it to a buddy. Don’t expect to ever get it back, though. If you loan it to me you won’t get it back.
- Bring it with you to CodeMash - both authors and lots of the contributing writers will be there! I’m sure each and every one will be more than happy to sign it for you. I’m taking mine - I’m going to get all kinds of autographs! It’ll be just like high-school yearbook signing day!! Except I didn’t have anyone sign my high-school yearbook. I sat in a corner of the school gym making my TI-xx say funny things like 01134. He, he he, that still slays me!
- Read it! Read it! Read it!
- After you read it blog about what a good book it is. Tell all your friends about it. Go to Amazon and write a glowing review about it. Climb to the top of the highest mountain (in your area) and yell as loud as you can how great it is. Become a monk and spend your days making gooseberry wine and fruitcake. Whew, don’t know where that one came from. Sorry.
- Buy a copy for friends and family. Share the wealth.
Seriously, I hope you enjoy it. I know there were a lot of people who put a lot of work into it, especially James Avery and Jim Holmes. Enjoy.