As you can plainly see I make use of various forms of advertising on this site. In some cases I may be paid for clickthroughs or actions taken by you on those sites (sign ups, ordering products, etc.). I do not have an advertising affiliation with…
Over on my TheBestWebStuff blog I recently added an Advertising Disclaimer to the main navigation of the site. I felt that since I had recently added RSS ads, banner ads, text ads, and I would soon be venturing into paid reviews as part of my…
Update (3/28/07): source code posted here. Update (4/3/07): I did not realize until today that Keyvan Nayyeri had already created something similar, SyndicationAds, as part of the Community Server MVP’s Alabaster CS Module Package ( http…
Just a quick post before I go off to bed early tonight - the Cincinnati-Dayton Code Camp is tomorrow and I need to be there early to help setup. This post follows along with my recent interest in web-based advertising . I noticed a while back that…
I’ve added paging to a Repeater a couple of time, though rather infrequently. Every time I take up the task again I either have to dig through old code or search Google once again. This time around I went straight to Google and found a nice simple…
I got the following Javascript error a couple of days ago that I had not seen before: Sys.ArgumentUndefinedException: Value cannot be undefined. Parameter name: id This was from a page that included some form fields, some validators, and was wrapped…
One things that bloggers love more than anything else is flair. They love to show off their Flickr pictures, which MyBlogLog visitors have visited the site recently, links to events they plan to attend, links to services or applications they…
Google’s Adsense is definitely the king of the road. Just do a quick count of what you see on serious bloggers’ sites or just about any site for that matter and you’ll see what I mean. The Basics Along with search services and the myriad of other…
In a previous post I listed out all the ad and affiliate networks and services that I could find. Since then I continue to add more to the list. In that post I also said that “it would make an interesting exercise to try all of them and report on…
A few days ago I wrote of my initial impressions with WatiN . While I really like it, I mentioned that I had some trouble getting the tests to run under Cruise Control .NET. Over the weekend the author, director and admin of the WatiN project…