300 posts in


What’s on My Android Phone

Yesterday I asked Joel Ross if he would write a blog post listing the apps that he liked and used on his Android phone. Android owners in our crowd are few and far between. Most developers that I know are iPhone junkies, the next largest group is…

Links, Subfolders, ISAPI_Rewrite, Routing, and more

I know that is a horrible title but “How to fix your generated links that contain an extra subfolder name when using ISAPI_Rewrite to host more than one site on your OrcsWeb hosting account” seemed a little long. Now that I’ve stuffed as many…

Android Using NTLM authentication with HttpClient

Android Using NTLM authentication with HttpClient

Sometimes the web service you want to consume is locked behind Windows (NTLM) authentication. I struggled for a bit trying to figure out how to use NTLM authentication with an HttpClient request in a sample Android application. It looked like I had…

Android development for the .NET developer

Android development for the .NET developer

A couple of weeks ago I switched from a Blackberry to an Android phone. I was a little anxious about venturing into the unknown of Android development, but I couldn’t fight the temptation of downloading the Android SDK and hacking more than a few…

Resources for migrating to Graffiti CMS 1.3

Migrating a blog from one platform to another is like taking a trip to the hardware store. It’s easy enough if you go solo: just grab your keys, throw on a hat and you’re there and back in under an hour. But if you are bringing a lot of content with…

Add a Google Reader Shared Items widget to any site with jQuery

Add a Google Reader Shared Items widget to any site with jQuery

The final new widget for my home page to document is the “Latest Shared Feed Items” widget. This one displays the last 3 items that I’ve shared from Google Reader. I’m no longer displaying this widget but it was a custom designed plug-in (for the…

Add a Last.fm widget to any web site with jQuery

Add a Last.fm widget to any web site with jQuery

This is my next to last blog post about the new widgets on my home page.  The “Lastest Music” widget pulls data from my Last.fm account. Currently I’m displaying the 12 artists/albums that I’ve listened to the most on Last.fm over the last week. It…

Graffiti CMS 1.3 - add a Widget anywhere in a view with new Widget macro

Graffiti CMS 1.3 - add a Widget anywhere in a view with new Widget macro

Graffiti comes with a plethora of built-in widgets and there have been plenty built by the community. Up until now they had to be displayed in a sidebar. There was no way to display a widget in your content, your header, your footer, etc. without…

Create an iPhone styled slide-out Social Locator

Create an iPhone styled slide-out Social Locator

The post iPhone look-alike on your kitchen wall on Hackaday inspired me to create a slide-out Social Locator for my site. If the iPhone interface is intuitive and recognizable enough to be used for a kitchen computer then it is probably a good…

Add a YouTube widget to any web site with jQuery

Add a YouTube widget to any web site with jQuery

Another new addition to the home page of my blog is the “Latest Videos” widget. It pulls in the 6 most recent videos that I have tagged as favorites on YouTube. It also has the option to pull in only videos that I have uploaded, but since I rarely…