[ NOTE: I wrote this blog post over 2 years ago and recently found it in my Windows Live Writer drafts. I must have saved it to come back later and do some editing but forgot about it. It seems to be fairly up to date so I’m hitting the Publish…
I get a couple questions a week through my blog’s comments or contact page similar to this: “I love the Flickr widget, but how can I get it to [ … do something custom… ] ?” I try to answer as many questions as possible but between work and family…

It was a much needed facelift. I liked the functionality of my previous blog home page and I liked the way it was implemented (mostly using JQuery plugins), but the design felt too cluttered and was just … well… ugly. Mostly it felt like too much of…
I finally took the plunge and moved my blog ( http://danhounshell.com ) to Graffiti. No need to update links to RSS feeds, all that should be handled seamlessly by Feedburner. This blog was born in 2004 on Scott Watermasysk’s .Text platform. In 200…
I know I’m joining this tirade party late. Joe Wirtley has preached it before (in fact almost exactly a year ago) and I know I’ve heard others proclaim the same. I’m a convert after bumping into a ton of people at CodeMash who I think that I know…
I’m not speaking to anyone in particular with the above title, just the blogging world in general. I pruned a few RSS feeds from my reader today (Newsgator Outlook Edition in case you’re keeping count) and afterward I realized that each of the three…
This is not another post linking to a bunch of A-list bloggers’ opinions on Tim O’Reilly’s suggested Blogger Code of Conduct, though Mike Arrington of TechCrunch has an opinion that I agree with for the most part. Here is my code of conduct: It’s my…
Over on my TheBestWebStuff blog I recently added an Advertising Disclaimer to the main navigation of the site. I felt that since I had recently added RSS ads, banner ads, text ads, and I would soon be venturing into paid reviews as part of my…
I’m an avid reader of Rick Segal’s blog, The Post Money Value . I’m don’t read any other start-up blogs or VC blogs, but I like Rick’s writing style and point of view. Because of his Microsoft background and VC interest in technology and…
The always controversial and sometimes correct ( see his 10 keys to happiness ), Justice Gray, reveals something new : ” bald people cannot be trusted . … bald people wander the earth with one purpose and one purpose only - to kill you and steal…