I finished reading Beginning ASP.NET MVC 1.0 this past weekend. Keyvan Nayyeri and Simone Chiaretta did a great job with this book. It should be simple enough that a pure beginner will be able to get up and running yet it contains enough depth…
I had the pleasure of working on a great project earlier this year with two very talented co-workers: Wyatt Preul and Ben Tiedt . I served as the Technical Editor for their new Wrox book, Professional Community Server Themes . Between the awesome…
As a web application developer I tend to spend most my time writing code to make web sites do stuff. I spend a lot of time working with databases and various n-tier layers except for one. I choose to keep my nose (as much as possible) out of the UI…
Unfortunately I didn’t like The Non-Designer’s Web Book by Robin Williams and John Tollett as much as I liked the last book that I reviewed . It’s not that it is a bad book in any way, it’s just that it wasn’t what I expected. Based on the title…
It looks like I have a couple of hours tonight to be productive. I really want to get some work done on WhatIWantMost , but I have two book reviews queued up that need to be written. I’ll go ahead and do a couple of short reviews and that should…
I recently finished the book, Google Analytics by Mary E. Tyler and Jerri L. Ledford . Like a lot of more web-experienced reviewers have reported, dave.org.uk is one example, I was a little disappointed. That’s not to say that it wasn’t a good…
No offense to Phil Haack , but his timing might be a bit off. With the book not being published until November it probably cannot be the summer’s must read book - but it definitely will be the Must Read Book of the holiday season! In fact, at over…

Last week I picked up a copy of Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day by Jennifer Grappone and Gradiva Couzin. I have a slight interest in SEO, however I try not to get drawn into it too much because it can really eat up your time and I prefer…

I read The Build Master: Microsoft’s Software Configuration Management Best Practices (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology) by Vincent Maraia this evening. It provides a nice glimpse into Microsoft’s build process for their NT operating systems…
Recently I’ve discovered there are two kinds of technical books: Big honkin’ tech books that I start reading with the best of intentions, get two chapters into and wind up as part of the psuedo-furniture pile of books beside my chair for long periods…