3 posts tagged as "react"

How to save $40/month by choosing Gatsby and GitHub
How to save $40/month by choosing Gatsby and GitHub

How to save $40/month by choosing Gatsby and GitHub

Now that the clickbait title is out of the way, here are the disclaimers: YMMV. You may not actually save $40/month but I did. I used to have a lot of personal project sites including this one. A decade ago I switched from hosting a couple of sites…

Unable to load Disqus on blog posts
Unable to load Disqus on blog posts

Unable to load Disqus on blog posts

I had previously used Disqus for post comments on my Graffiti blog and I wanted to continue doing so for the new Gatsby blog using react-disqus-comments . The urls for posts were basically unchanged so it seemed like there should not be any…

Hello Gatsby
Hello Gatsby

Hello Gatsby

The first post on this site was written on July 27th, 2004. Wow, nearly 14 years ago. I believe it was written on  Scott Watermasysk’s .Text platform, at least that is the first blogging platform I remember running for real. I eventually followed…