Most, if not all, of the examples for Gatsby templates show using a graphQL query that retrieves the post/posts by slugs. I did things a little differently because my post slugs may not be unique across all categories (I could have /blog/hello-world…
You may not be able to index everything Wanting to add search to my blog I set about installing and configuring the gatsby-plugin-elasticlunr-search plugin. I followed the examples. I set it to index the fields of title and tags. And being a little…
[ NOTE: I wrote this blog post over 2 years ago and recently found it in my Windows Live Writer drafts. I must have saved it to come back later and do some editing but forgot about it. It seems to be fairly up to date so I’m hitting the Publish…
A little over two years ago (wow time sure flies) I posted the details of the YouTube widget I use on my home page: Add a YouTube widget to any web site with jQuery . Recently I was persuaded to update the widget to auto load the first video and…

Another post mostly for me. I spent some time tonight trying to solve a problem in a mobile/HTML 5 app I am building. I have two lists that pull data from a client-side database that could possibly contain many records. Rather than pull all the…
That’s a fairly long title to describe this: 1280296860 I found this value in a field of a JSON response from a web service where I was expecting a date. I’m used to seeing 13 digit timestamps so this date surprised me and looked a little odd. After…

The final new widget for my home page to document is the “Latest Shared Feed Items” widget. This one displays the last 3 items that I’ve shared from Google Reader. I’m no longer displaying this widget but it was a custom designed plug-in (for the…

This is my next to last blog post about the new widgets on my home page. The “Lastest Music” widget pulls data from my account. Currently I’m displaying the 12 artists/albums that I’ve listened to the most on over the last week. It…

The post iPhone look-alike on your kitchen wall on Hackaday inspired me to create a slide-out Social Locator for my site. If the iPhone interface is intuitive and recognizable enough to be used for a kitchen computer then it is probably a good…

Another new addition to the home page of my blog is the “Latest Videos” widget. It pulls in the 6 most recent videos that I have tagged as favorites on YouTube. It also has the option to pull in only videos that I have uploaded, but since I rarely…