I ran into an issue recently when trying to create triggers for a table on a SQL Server database using node and the tedious library. I was using a promise to generate and execute the DDL to create each trigger and using Promise.all() to wait until…
This is the third post of three explaining how I implemented paged posts and tags by category on this Gatsby site using gatsby-pagination . In Part 1 I showed most of the structure of gatsby-node.js and how to create pages using Gatsby’s…
This is the second post explaining how I implemented paged posts and tags by category on this Gatsby site using gatsby-pagination . In Part 1 I showed most of the structure of gatsby-node.js and how to create pages using Gatsby’s createPage…
This is the part 1 of a couple of posts explaining how I page tags and posts by category on this Gatsby site using gatsby-pagination . My previous blog(s) was a bit unique in that it had the concept of categories (like /blog, /some-other-blog…
Most, if not all, of the examples for Gatsby templates show using a graphQL query that retrieves the post/posts by slugs. I did things a little differently because my post slugs may not be unique across all categories (I could have /blog/hello-world…
You may not be able to index everything Wanting to add search to my blog I set about installing and configuring the gatsby-plugin-elasticlunr-search plugin. I followed the examples. I set it to index the fields of title and tags. And being a little…
The first post on this site was written on July 27th, 2004. Wow, nearly 14 years ago. I believe it was written on Scott Watermasysk’s .Text platform, at least that is the first blogging platform I remember running for real. I eventually followed…

At LeanKit we’re always creating new integrations with other software and sites. Most of them involve reading from a 3rd party application’s web service API (Microsoft’s TFS via VisualStudio.com, JIRA, GitHub issues and more), performing some type…
Problem: You try to npm install a node package on Windows and get an error similar to: Python version 3.x.x is not supported by node-gyp Issue: You have Python 3.x installed and node-gyp needs version 2.7. You may already have 2.7 installed but your…
Problem: You try to run npm adduser command and get an error message that starts with something like “Default value must be string or number”. Cause: It is attempting to access your default email address which you do not have set. Fix: npm config set…