I spread this news on Twitter and Facebook months ago but thought it was about time to do the same thing here. Wednesday, May 1st was my last day as an employee of Telligent . I worked for Telligent for over six years and I loved every minute of it…
Need CAPTCHA for your Telligent Community 6.0+ site? Adam Seabridge of Building Blocks has you covered: Computer Says No – a CAPTCHA for Telligent Community 6.0
I get a couple questions a week through my blog’s comments or contact page similar to this: “I love the Flickr widget, but how can I get it to [ … do something custom… ] ?” I try to answer as many questions as possible but between work and family…
Miso recently launched the initial phase of their API and make use of OAuth (similar to Twitter’s implementation) to allow user’s to authenticate with Miso and authorize your application to act on their behalf. The documentation is well written…
I was recently asked the following from a fellow Telligenti: “Is there a way to do a simple ‘are UserA and UserB friends’ check via REST? Seems the only way is to get a list of UserA’s followers and see if it contains UserB, but that seems an awfully…
My buddy, James C Bender , recently posted a good basic description of REST . If you’re starting to get into Telligent’s REST web services James’ article will serve as a good starting point. Then you can head over to the Telligent Evolution…
It’s probably no surprise that most of the Telligenti are iPhone, MacBook and now iPad junkies. But we Telligenti are open-minded for the most part and we’re committed to using and abusing “best of breed” solutions – we now use Solr (on Java) for our…

A couple of weeks ago I switched from a Blackberry to an Android phone. I was a little anxious about venturing into the unknown of Android development, but I couldn’t fight the temptation of downloading the Android SDK and hacking more than a few…
Migrating a blog from one platform to another is like taking a trip to the hardware store. It’s easy enough if you go solo: just grab your keys, throw on a hat and you’re there and back in under an hour. But if you are bringing a lot of content with…

The final new widget for my home page to document is the “Latest Shared Feed Items” widget. This one displays the last 3 items that I’ve shared from Google Reader. I’m no longer displaying this widget but it was a custom designed plug-in (for the…